
PREA Industry Surveys

PREA provides its members with valuable information through the funding of directed research projects or by working in conjunction with other organizations or individuals to co-sponsor certain studies. These research projects are designed and undertaken in order to address crucial issues in the industry through academic research with practical applications. Click here for more information.


Why Real Estate?

What are the benefits to having an allocation to commercial real estate within an overall portfolio and why should investors consider such an allocation? This is still a question commonly faced by investment managers, consultants and investors alike. The slide deck accessible presents a brief outline of standard arguments in favor of a real estate allocation along with illustrative numbers updated on a continuing basis, and with links to more detailed resources available to members on the PREA website.


Compendium of Statistics

The Compendium of Statistics compiles data on the commercial real estate markets from various sources. The report is updated semimonthly.


Investor Reports

The PREA Investor Report is designed to represent the real estate investment activities of the universe of public and private retirement plans, endowments, foundations, and other funds, both in the industry generally and within the PREA membership specifically. Click here for more information.


MSCI/PREA U.S. Property Fund Index

As part of its mission to support research and education in the institutional real estate industry PREA co-publishes, with MSCI, the MSCI/PREA U.S. Property Fund Index. The Index tracks the performance of open-end real estate funds on a quarterly basis, including core and value-add strategies as well as diversified and specialized funds.


PREA Research Reports

As an independent source of research and research funding, PREA facilitates the flow of unbiased information to market participants. PREA conducts research internally as well as periodically funding external research projects by leading real estate academics and practitioners. Click here for more information.


Real Estate Research Institute (RERI)

PREA's offices house the administrative functions of the Real Estate Research Institute. RERI sponsors high-quality real estate research and maintains a collection of previously funded papers. PREA members have access to RERI's collection, including historical research and recently completed studies. Click here for more information.


Reporting Standards

The NCREIF PREA Reporting Standards (Reporting Standards) is an industry initiative co-sponsored by the National Council of Real Estate Investment Fiduciaries (NCREIF) and the Pension Real Estate Association (PREA) with a mission to establish and implement information standards for the real estate industry that will facilitate transparency, consistency and informed decision making. Click here for more information.


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